Esterform: Packaging that doesn’t cost the Earth
Esterform Packaging have enlisted the help of Haven Power, part of the Sustainable Energy group Drax, in a bid to manufacture their PET bottle and preforms using a more sustainable source of energy.
Research shows that consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact associated with the products, and the packaging, they are purchasing. Subsequently PET, its inclusion in landfill sites and high carbon foot print, is becoming a less viable packaging option for producers who are offering environmentally conscious products. Esterform Packaging are however set to offer an attractive and easily accessible compromise. Following on from their efforts to reduce the amount of PET contained in their products with the launch of their lightweight 1881 range in 2013, the company are now also now aiming to decreasing the environmental impact of their production process. In order to do this they have enlisted the help of Haven Power part of Drax Group, market leaders in Biomass technology, to supply energy to their manufacturing plants.
BioMass, a plant based material, emits less carbon dioxide when it is burnt than its plant components absorb over their life time. This process results in the production of energy with considerably less impact on the environment than fossil fuel alternatives: in 2012 the average greenhouse gas saving of burning biomass in place of coal at Drax was above 80%. With a potentially unlimited source of BioMass from sustainably managed land this fuel source offers a long term solution to a very current issue.
Esterform’s new contract with Haven Power means the production of their PET bottles and preforms has less impact on the environment than ever before. Paired with their lightweight 1881 range and the ease with which PET can now be recycled Esterform can now offer their customers environmentally conscious packaging without the hassle and cost associated with rebranding or repackaging. In turn customers can offer their consumers environmentally conscious products without compromising on quality, style or increasing their unit price.
If you would like to find out for yourself how Esterform’s wide range of off the shelf and bespoke bottles can help your product become more environmentally conscious please visit our website or call 01584 810 600 to speak to one of our Sales Team.